Clisonics Wellness: Musopathy

Clinical Sonic Solutions (Clisonics) specializes in Musopathy based Tonal and Aural Solutions for Health and Wellness.  Musopathy is the study of the fundamental mechanics behind musical impact on human, animal, plant, microbial and cellular level in a culture and region neutral manner.   This is in marked contrast to the field of Music Therapy which studies the use of culture based music to alleviate certain health issues or improve wellness,  which works mostly only on select populations.   

Musopathy is a fast emerging field since it aims to come up with scientific and precise healthy solutions applicable to global populations a la allopathy.  


Musopathy as a field was proposed in the 1990s by Indian Musician-Composer, Chitravina N Ravikiran.  His rationale was that Music Therapy's culture and/or region specific approach was quasi-scientific and also limited in scope as it was more likely to provide relief for people associated with either or both.  He also argued that the results published were too broad and simplistic to be scientifically acceptable and mass-applicable.

This is not to deny that the highest quality of Music can transcend cultural or regional boundaries and can offer several broad benefits to listeners.  But unless the mechanics behind sound vibrations are studied, one cannot get global results. 


Musopathy addresses all the above issues by breaking down music from any part of the world into its fundamental universal aspects.  The fundamental aspects common to most major systems of music that use 12 tones per octave in the world are: 


Musopathy aims to conduct sophisticated studies on different parts of the brain or body of humans, animals, plants and micro entities by varying, separating or combining such parameters in clinical music that is created - or very carefully chosen even if from existing works.  Musopathy re-engineers the arena of Music Therapy with its de-regionalised and de-culturalised creations of Clinical Music for more precise studies and is therefore an exciting area with huge therapeutic as well as commercial potential. 

Musopathy can be of 2 types: 

(i) Passive or Basic Musopathy: Participants or patients are aurally exposed to Clinical Music Created for them and the impact it has on them when the fundamental factors of the same music (such as volume and tempo) are varied.  

(ii) Active Musopathy: Participants or patients are themselves taught simple Tonation Breathing Techniques (TBT) which they will practice for 5-6 minutes about 3-4 times per day during the study/treatment period and as their various parameters evaluated.  

Tonation Breathing Techniques (TBT) such as and have been uniquely developed by Musopathy Foundation and Clisonics.  They involve non-strenuous and just organic inhalation but controlled exhalation using self generated tones by the participant through only the nose with closed lips (Nasal Tonation) or through very minutely opened lips (Pursed Lips Tonation).  There are other variants to these for specific conditions.  

TBT does not require training in Music, Breathing Exercises, Yoga etc but provides the combined benefits of all these plus the benefits of mindfulness and other practices.  It can be practiced along with any other breathing or physical training program or yoga.


Charusat University in Gujarat, India studied over 30 patients from 2019 and proved that Musopathy TBT reduced Blood Pressure by over 7 points and also increased the production of FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormones).  

TBT also benefited over 300 Covid and other patients with diverse issues, especially during the pandemic and helped their recovery in several ways:  

Mayo Clinic, USA is studying TBT's potential to ease aromatase-inhibitor-induced Joint and/or muscle pain for Breast cancer patients and MetroHealth Medical Centre in Cleveland, USA is studying TBT with Phonation Therapy to improve symptoms and lung physiology in patients referred for pulmonary rehabilitation.


Several Musopathy TBT instructional videos are available for download at most nominal costs, which almost anyone can benefit from by playing them several times as they practice the various techniques explained there.  Though these may appear simple, they still need to be followed precisely.  The duration of each video has been intentionally kept short to enable participants to stay focused and grasp the technique easily and do it themselves thereafter.  One can choose to first understand and practice various TBT techniques (such as Nasal/Buzz Tonation) before applying suggested ones for specific conditions listed below.  Alternatively, one can first check out the videos for one's condition and then access the specific videos that elaborate on the best techniques for the same.    

There are TBT videos for the following:

Other Applications of Musopathy & TBT


Musopathy is the most viable option to counter the invisible but severe impact of Toxic Tonalities that batter our aural-neural systems almost every day in most urban settings but are taken for granted by us.  Let us examine this minimally known concept a bit further.  Toxic Tonalities (TT) may be defined as consciously or subconsciously grating tonal textures.  

In other words, it is not only the volume levels of what one hears but the textures of sounds that impact us. This not only includes noise that immediately affects us like a crashing metal or screeching wheels.  It includes thousands of everyday sounds like fans running, air conditioners or refrigerators humming, vehicular traffic sounds including those made by our own cars on the road, doors closing or even some types of music.  

Rigorous research could well prove that Toxic Tonalities are perhaps the greatest source of stress related ailments in the last few decades.  The key is to study the impact of various TT on the human aural and neural systems and then further study combinations of various TTs and assess the cumulative impact of those over a few weeks/months.  

TTs were much less prior to the Industrial Revolution and are relatively lower in some countries and in certain regions within countries but maximum in urban settings. 

This is one of the reasons why millions of people are gravitating towards natural sounds such as ocean waves, falling rain etc on YouTube and other platforms.  But more precise Musopathy solutions can exponentially improve the overall quality of life of everyone. 


In parallel Musopathy techniques can counter the impact of these either by enabling those affected to listen to purer tonalities or learning to produce them by themselves.  Nada Yoga (pronouced as naada yoga) is the pursuit of pure tonalities either through one's voice or through an instrument.  Musopathists can run exposure or education sessions everyday to enable people to combat the impact of TT and also prevent further health complications. 


The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India has launched MS by Research and PhD courses on Music and Musopathy since August 2024.   More information about this can be found in the links below. 

Studies planned include exploring the impact of Active and/or Passive Musopathy on Sugar Levels, Pain Management, Hypertension, Depression, Muscular Strain, Cancer Cell Research and animal/plant wellbeing, to name a few. 

A few other institutions are planning to initiate similar courses in the near future. 


TBT is also an integral part of the Clisonics Mind Engineering and Management (MEM) excellence and leadership programs which have benefited a number of individuals across the world.  Individuals or organizations can schedule live or online appointments with TBT experts for MEM or Health and Wellness by emailing  

DISCLAIMERS:  TBT is not a substitute for clinical care.  It is only a supplement.  It does not claim to cure your illness. It only aims to help you manage and/or prevent several conditions.  Do not stop ANY medications without consulting your doctors.