Benefits of Tonation Breathing Techniques
Musopathy TBT is a combination of diverse non-strenuous specialized breathing techniques with the unique addition of Tonation. TBT is a unique contribution of Clisonics and Musopathy Foundation (which is a unit of Ravikiran Foundation of India). It has been anchored on published studies by world class institutions (References below).
In the TBT approach, inhalation is never sudden, vigorous or very deep.
In most TBT steps, there is no holding of breath involved.
The focus is on controlled exhalation but again based on personal comfort but
Exhalation is augmented by the addition of tonation of single frequencies (not dynamic music).
Tonation is either through closed lips where only the nose is involved (humming) or through pursed lips and puffed cheeks to make it controlled.
This controlled tonation rids the lungs of stale carbon dioxide accumulated over time and thereby improves inhalation organically.
It also enables fresh Oxygen to get to more remote parts of the lungs, which improves lung health and also decreases risks of infections like Covid.
Triple benefits: By uniquely combining three components - Breathing, Tonation and Phonation it gives triple benefits to patients and also empowers healthy participants.
Simplified: The program includes only the easiest techniques and simplifications of even seemingly challenging ones from other programs to not tax even the severely weakened.
Variations: It also has introduced variations designed to provide higher benefits by engaging more of the respiratory pathways.
Minimalistic approach: Eliminates wrong and unnecessary techniques completely.
Focus: Mindfulness and Restfulness that is life enhancing and - at times, life saving.
TBT was first launched in 2019 and its success record so far is very high in both Clinical Studies and during general applications. Participants have recorded/reported the following benefits:
Reduction of Blood Pressure
Increase of FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)
Reduction of stress, anxiety, fatigue and acute or chronic neck & shoulder muscle tension.
Reduction of medications for Depression.
Increased focus, clarity, energy and equanimity.
Respiratory improvement of 30%-300% (in exceptional cases 500%), improvement in oxygen saturation (SPO2) by over 6 points, improved sleep patterns, reduction of high pulse rates (130-80).
Precautions & Disclaimers
There are no known risks associated with the Musopathy Tonation Breathing Techniques (TBT) program. It has been designed to be less strenuous than talking. But please note and follow the PRECAUTIONS below carefully.
Do not begin any exercises including the Musopathy techniques if you have high fever, difficulty breathing, chest pain or heart palpitations or new swelling in your legs.
Stop immediately if you develop dizziness, undue shortness of breath, chest pain, cool, clammy skin, fatigue, irregular heartbeat or any symptoms you consider an emergency.
Get emergency attention immediately if these symptoms don’t stop with rest or if you experience any change in physical or mental status from your normal capacity.
Numerous studies in various parts of the world have independently shown the efficacy of sound waves as well as mindful breathing techniques to combat various conditions and a few have been shared below.
Johns Hopkins:
Harvard Health: Breathing and Anxiety reduction:
Increasing lung capacity and improving oxygen levels:
Humming greatly increases nasal nitric oxide:
Nitric Oxide Treatment for Severe COVID-19:
Singing improves pulmonary function and quality of life of COPD patients:
Pronal breathing can increase your SPO2: